Duke Gifted LetterFor Parents of Gifted Children


Couch Potatoes? Not!

Volume 5 / Issue 3 / Spring 2005

A new survey reveals that 79 percent of American middle and high school students participate in some sort of extracurricular activity both after school and on weekends. Activities range from sports to music, with 57 percent of students participating in a nonschool activity nearly every day. When asked about their extracurricular activities, students indicate that they enable them to make good friends, learn, and have fun. Sports activities are the most popular among students, with 66 percent participating in them. Moreover, parents indicate that they search for activities that help foster interests, values, and growth in their child. The report also examines the differences between the out-of-school experiences and the needs of low-income and high-income families. The full report, All Work and No Play? Listening to What Kids and Parents Really Want from Out-of-School Time, by Ann Duffett and Jean Johnson, is available free of charge at www.publicagenda.org.


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