Duke Gifted LetterFor Parents of Gifted Children

The Editor's View

From the Editor

Understanding what a person means when they say the word “gifted” is not always easy! With the many different conceptions of giftedness in existence, even professionals need to confer to make sure they are speaking the same language. To help you navigate the gifted discourse, Duke TIP has designed this special issue of the Duke Gifted Letter to briefly overview some of the “big ideas” you may hear when talking about giftedness with school personnel or other parents.

Although far from comprehensive, I hope you will find the following articles helpful in providing an understanding of the depth and breadth of the different ways giftedness is defined. To read the full text of these articles visit dukegiftedletter.com. And as always, please email us at with questions or suggestions.

Matthew Makel, PhD


Duke Gifted Letter


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