Also in This Issue…
- Feature: Being Me and Fitting In: The Dilemma of Differentness
- The Editor's View: Information Literacy
- Connections: Gifted Readers and Young Adult Literature: A Perfect Match
- Consultant's Corner: Appropriate Content for Gifted Readers
- Parent's Platform: Attaining Grade Advancement
- The Emotional Edge: Taking the Bully by the Horns
- Product Tips: Corner the Market
- Currents: Leaving Out the Gifted
- Currents: Middle School Uncensored
- Currents: Homogeneous versus Heterogeneous
- Currents: The Plague of Bullying
- Currents: Virtual Schools
Leaving Out the Gifted
Volume 4 / Issue 3 / Spring 2004
The No Child Left Behind Act may be leaving out the nation’s gifted students. A recent Wall Street Journal article reports that, to ensure that all of their students are proficient in reading and math by 2014, the public schools are shifting resources from gifted programs to programs that focus on students who do not meet proficiency levels. In 2003 Illinois and California eliminated $19 million and $10 million, respectively, in state funding for gifted students, and other states may follow suit. The impact of such cuts remains to be seen, but it seems certain that advocates for the gifted will have their hands full for the next few years.
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