Duke Gifted LetterFor Parents of Gifted Children

Issue 1 / Fall 2009 Archives

Praise is a powerful tool that parents and teachers can use to motivate their children. Furthermore, children appear to thrive on praise. Yet both the research on the effects of praise and advice about praise can be confusing. Praise...

Feature Parenting/Advocacy Rimm, Sylvia B.

Issues surrounding financial spending and saving have been dominating the news for months, and it doesn't look like they'll be disappearing any time soon. Yet explaining these issues to your child can often be difficult. Duke Gifted Letter went...

Educational Products & Tips Makel, Matthew C. Product Tips Technology

Does your child do any of the following? Fidget a lot, or seem to have more energy than other children his or her age? Have strong, unusual reactions to sounds or smells? Create such a rich fantasy life that...

Research and Theory Rinn, Anne N. Social-Emotional Issues Special Populations The Emotional Edge

Among all the subgroups of students whose performance in school is commonly studied, English language learners (ELLs) are the least represented in gifted education programs. A variety of related reasons may account for this state of affairs, but the...

Expert's Forum Matthews, Michael S. Special Populations Talent Development

As a district coordinator of gifted education for over two decades, I was continually surprised by the frequent exclamation, "I sure wouldn't want your job!" Although the reasons given for this utterance varied, the underlying sentiment reflected the perception...

Connections Courtright, Rick Parenting/Advocacy