Duke Gifted LetterFor Parents of Gifted Children

Volume 8 / Issue 2 Winter 2008 Archives

Parenting gifted children socially and emotionally presents a challenge and causes sane and balanced adults to squirm, wonder, pace, and otherwise exhibit anxiety. No one tells unsuspecting parents of gifted children that in order to raise their children there is...

Feature Social-Emotional Issues Troxclair, Debra

Remember the nasty note passed around at school or the mean graffiti scrawled on the bathroom wall? Bullies and mean girls are still in school classrooms, hallways, and playgrounds; they just can use new digital tools to be cruel...

Goodstein, Anastasia Social-Emotional Issues Technology Matters

The Duke Gifted Letter asks Paul Beljan about pediatric neuropsychology, how it differs from school and educational psychology, and how and when families can benefit from a practitioner’s expertise. DGL: What is pediatric neuropsychology? The outcomes are happy children...

Beljan, Paul Expert's Forum Special Populations

The team approach—parents, teachers, and administrators—in meeting the needs of gifted children is the focus of Best Practices in Gifted Education: An Evidence-based Guide, by Ann Robinson, Bruce M. Shore, and Donna L. Enersen, Prufrock, 2007. The authors, veteran...

Book Reviews Boone, Sarah Connections

Introduction For more than four decades researchers have been interested in learning what happens to gifted students who drop out of high school. Estimates of the number of gifted learners who drop out differ widely, and a figure of 20...

Matthews, Michael S. Social-Emotional Issues The Emotional Edge

Navigate the world in a fun and informative way with interactive globes. Three good choices include GeoSafari Talking Globe, Jr., and GeoSafari Talking Globe by Educational Insights, Inc., and SmartGlobe Deluxe Edition by Oregon Scientific. GeoSafari Talking Globe, Jr.,...

Boone, Sarah Educational Products & Tips Product Tips

Gifted Children's Bill of Rights

Provided as a Service of the National Association for Gifted Children You have a right... …to know about your giftedness. …to learn something new everyday. …to be passionate about your talent area without apologies. …to have an identity beyond...

Currents Social-Emotional Issues