Duke Gifted LetterFor Parents of Gifted Children

Volume 7 / Issue 2 / Winter 2007 Archives

The majority of programs for gifted learners were developed for suburban and urban schools. Rural schools can be quite different and may need to modify these programs to meet the educational needs of their gifted learners. For example, very...

Feature Hafer, Cherry Lewis, Joan D. Special Populations

In a report to the President of the United States, the White House Task Force on the Education of Gifted Persons states that “National attention to the recognition and development of gifted persons is intermittent, unevenly distributed, and inadequate...

Legislation/Law Stephens, Kristen R. The Editor's View

Being in a school environment that does not understand, support, or value giftedness is frustrating for many gifted children and teens. Recently, you may have seen a story in the news about a twelve-year-old boy attending college in California....

Amend, Edward R. Clouse, Maggie Clouse, Meredith Social-Emotional Issues The Emotional Edge

Asynchrony, a relatively new way of looking at giftedness, has deep historical roots. Leta Stetter Hollingworth, the foremother of gifted education, viewed giftedness as a set of complex psychological issues arising out of the disparities between these children’s mental...

Silverman, Linda Kreger Special Focus Special Populations

My 10-year-old son has been diagnosed with the writing disability dysgraphia. Because he has difficulty with writing tasks, he tends to avoid them. His teacher has expressed that my son seems to be unmotivated and oppositional regarding writing assignments....

Consultant's Corner Educational Strategies Special Populations Thorne, Glenda C.

For family fun, try an ingenious brain game. Three excellent choices are Cranium: The Family Fun Game, by Cranium, Inc., The Whole Brain Game, by Creative Mind Games, and Evolution, by Platypus Games. Cranium Family Fun Game is played...

Boone, Sarah Educational Products & Tips Product Tips

Not since the Sputnik era has the federal government exhibited such a vigorous interest in increasing the rigor of math education in America’s public schools. In April 2006, President Bush created the National Mathematics Advisory Panel. This body advises...

Currents Educational Strategies Legislation/Law Research and Theory Stephens, Kristen R.

Ever wish you had a manual for that extraordinary, perplexing child of yours? Take heart, a new book, A Parent’s Guide to Gifted Children, by James T. Webb, Janet L. Gore, Edward R. Amend, and Arlene R. DeVries, Great...

Book Reviews Collins-Perry, Bobbie Currents

Research conducted over the past two decades has established that bullying leads to violence and mental health problems—for bullies, victims, bully victims (those who are both bullies and victims), and even bystanders. Bullies are more likely to land in...

Collins-Perry, Bobbie Currents Research and Theory Social-Emotional Issues