Duke Gifted LetterFor Parents of Gifted Children

Volume 6 / Issue 1 / Fall 2005 Archives

Preparing gifted children for adulthood includes career planning; however, merely finding a job match should not be the goal. Likewise, focusing narrowly on academic ability and achievement is not adequate for making career decisions. The ultimate objective should be to...

College Planning Feature Greene, Meredith J. Social-Emotional Issues

Are gifts and talents innate? Are geniuses born or made? Nature or nurture? These are questions that educators, psychologists, and philosophers have pondered for years. The consensus in the gifted field seems to be that while talents can be developed,...

Stephens, Kristen R. Talent Development The Editor's View

Julian C. Stanley, who died on August 12 at the age of 87, established the talent search model when he began the Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth (SMPY) at Johns Hopkins University in 1971. He found that grade-level tests...

Stanley, Julian C. Talent Development Tapping Talent

Mathematically talented students often show an early interest in and facility with numbers. For example, they may learn to tell time at age two and begin adding and subtracting long before they enter kindergarten. Anecdotes shared by parents about...

Educational Strategies Lupkowski-Shoplik, Ann Talent Development Tapping Talent

What Is a Science Fair, Anyway? A science fair is an event in which students present independent research projects. They are required to produce new data to answer a question, which is considered a higher-level skill than merely summarizing knowledge...

Connections Educational Strategies Matthews, Michael S. Talent Development

The new school year means new and not-so-new textbooks coming home to be wrapped in protective coverings. While they’re within reach, familiarize yourself with their content and organization, educate yourself on how they ended up in your child’s book bag,...

Boone, Sarah Legislation/Law Special Focus

Ned’s parents found themselves begging for greater challenges for their son from a school that prided itself on its “challenging curriculum.” It set a pace six months faster than other schools, but Ned’s abilities went years beyond that. They decided...

Educational Strategies Hassel, Bryan Hassel, Emily Ayscue Parenting/Advocacy Schoolhouse Options

My daughter, Allison, has been exceptionally perceptive since she was born. The sheets in her bassinet irritated her the day we brought her home from the hospital, and she protested until we found ones that she liked. Her heightened...

Fisher, Stephany Sanchez Parent's Platform Special Populations

For honing mathematical and critical thinking skills, two board games—Space Tivitz, by SAS Games, and Equate, by Conceptual Math Media—get a thumbs-up. Space Tivitz provides multilevel options ranging from simple addition and subtraction to multiplication and division with fractions,...

Boone, Sarah Educational Products & Tips Product Tips

Antediluvian ('an-te¯-di-"LOO-ve¯-un), meaning “old-fashioned” or “out-of-date,” was the winning word in the 1994 Scripp’s National Spelling Bee (www.spellingbee.com). Even though the national spelling bee began in Louisville, Kentucky, in 1925, it is anything but antediluvian. In fact, spelling bees...

Currents Model Program/Schools Stephens, Kristen R.

A new Web site, www.schoolmatters.com, provides the general public with search and comparison tools applicable to a wide range of data about local schools and school districts. Using these tools, parents can find high-performing schools and make more informed...

Currents Parenting/Advocacy Stephens, Kristen R. Technology