Duke Gifted LetterFor Parents of Gifted Children

Volume 5 / Issue 1 / Fall 2004 Archives

"Mom, you know how the meteorologist on TV talks about the different computer models that predict where a hurricane is going to hit? Well, I asked my teacher about it, but he said I should probably wait to learn more...

Educational Strategies Feature Milam, Cheryl P.

As summer draws to a close, swimsuits, shorts, and flip-flops are replaced with pencils, notebooks, and sweaters. Once again, you and your child eagerly anticipate the beginning of a new school year. Well, perhaps you are a bit more eager...

Parenting/Advocacy Stephens, Kristen R. The Editor's View

Parents of school-aged children have been inundated in recent years with discussions of standards and end-of-grade testing. While standards themselves are not new, much of the current emphasis on testing and standards-based education has grown out of the 2002 enactment...

Boone, Sarah Connections Legislation/Law Tests & Testing

School Counselors: Allies and Resource People

School guidance counselors are an invaluable resource if you know what to ask of them. They are a school’s go-to people for personal and social dilemmas, academic advising, testing programs, tutors, after-school programs, summer opportunities, and community resources. The counselor’s...

Educational Strategies Feifs, Elizabeth Social-Emotional Issues The Emotional Edge

It’s no secret that standardized testing is increasingly common. Each year new tests appear, and it may seem that more school time is spent on testing than on teaching and learning. Yet test scores themselves are often difficult to interpret....

Matthews, Michael S. Testing, Testing, 1,2,3 Tests & Testing

Your gifted child may have special interests and a desire for knowledge beyond what school, teachers, and you can provide, and you may have decided that she or he is ready for a mentor in a specific area of interest....

Educational Strategies Macalister, Heather Technology Technology Matters

DGL: Which delivery models are most prevalent among gifted programs in the United States today? Joyce VanTassel-Baska: The models have not changed much in the past 25 years. At the elementary level, the pull-out model, in which gifted students are...

Educational Strategies Expert's Forum Reis, Sally M. VanTassel-Baska, Joyce

Our son Daniel has always been the type of person to make things happen. He met his mentor, Dr. Sabine Heinhorst, after taking a serious interest in the eighth-grade science fair. Daniel resolved to “be brave” and simply ask Dr....

Educational Strategies Murin, Charles Murin, Debbie Parent's Platform

I have a fifth-grade daughter who until recently was an A/B student. She has always scored high on her Iowa tests. Lately, she has been bringing home papers and tests with Ds and Fs on them. She forgets to...

Consultant's Corner Rimm, Sylvia B. Social-Emotional Issues

 This fall is the perfect time to invest in presidential-election board games. Two strong choices for integrating history, politics, and current events with the electoral process are Oval Office: The Race to Be President, by Talicor Inc., and Hail to...

Boone, Sarah Educational Products & Tips Product Tips

A new Web site based on the book Genius Denied: How to Stop Wasting Our Brightest Young Minds, by Jan Davidson, Bob Davidson, and Laura Vanderkam (Simon and Schuster, 2004), pulls together an array of information often needed by parents,...

Currents Legislation/Law Parenting/Advocacy Stephens, Kristen R.

Jan and Bob Davidson are the founders of the Davidson Institute for Talent Development, a national nonprofit organization that supports highly intelligent youth. The Davidson Fellows Program recognizes original, significant work of young people (18 years old or younger) in...

Collins-Perry, Bobbie Currents Model Program/Schools

Arts with the Brain in Mind, by Eric Jensen (Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 2001), details how schools can make arts education a core subject and how to integrate the arts into every subject. Jensen, who reviews what programs...

Book Reviews Collins-Perry, Bobbie Creativity Currents

The Center for Applied Linguistics cites the following benefits of studying a second language: lifelong ability to communicate with people from other backgrounds and countries, overall improved school performance, superior problem-solving skills, higher scores on standardized tests, including the SAT,...

Collins-Perry, Bobbie Currents Research and Theory