Duke Gifted LetterFor Parents of Gifted Children

Volume 3 / Issue 4 / Summer 2003 Archives

Most gifted children enjoy relatively good overall psychological health. Research supports the view that intellectually and athletically gifted youth have better-than-average social adjustment. However, we know less about the social adjustment of gifted children with talents in music, drama,...

Feature Parenting/Advocacy Pfeiffer, Steven I. Social-Emotional Issues

Parents are usually the first to notice the exceptional qualities of their young gifted children. One five-year-old I know of surprised her mother by painting a large picture of the world with Africa, Asia, and North and South America all...

Smutny, Joan Franklin Special Focus Young Gifted

Ideally, the decision to treat a child with medication for psychological disorders should involve the child and a team of caregivers, including parents, teachers, counselors, the child’s pediatrician, and a psychologist. Drs. Ronald T. Brown and Morgan T. Sammons...

Collins-Perry, Bobbie Research Briefs Research and Theory Social-Emotional Issues

Most preschool children would benefit from the innovative curriculum at University Primary School, but it caters primarily to those three- to five-year-olds who are gifted. Located on the campus of the University of Illinois at Champaign, the private primary...

Ludwig, Susan Magna Cum Laude Model Program/Schools Young Gifted

Summer 2003 Book Reviews

The Survival Guide for Parents of Gifted Kids: How to Understand, Live with, and Stick Up for Your Gifted Child, by Sally Yahnke Walker, edited by Caryn Pernu. Free Spirit, 2002. Paperback, 167 pp., ISBN 1-57542-111-9. $14.95 This revised...

Book Reviews Stephens, Kristen R. The Top Shelf

Shyness exists in the gifted population just as it does in all other groups of people. Likewise, the specific type and severity of shyness is highly variable. The causes of shyness are not well known. Heredity, environment, temperament, stress,...

Burruss, Jill D. Social-Emotional Issues The Emotional Edge

For hours of entertainment and intensely complex critical thinking, robotics are ideal. Three good choices for robot building kits are LEGO MindStorms Robotics Invention System, TAB Electronics Build Your Own Robot Kit, and MOVIT Robotic Arm Trainer. For help...

Boone, Sarah Educational Products & Tips Product Tips