Duke Gifted LetterFor Parents of Gifted Children

Volume 3 / Issue 1 / Fall 2002 Archives

Most parents know that school administrators use intelligence tests to identify gifted children. What most parents do not know is that the content of these tests can have a powerful influence on who is identified as gifted and who...

Feature Naglieri, Jack A. Special Populations Tests & Testing

Are children born with an appreciation for music and the ability to demonstrate it? Or do they develop musical ability through early exposure and structured practice? The answer is both, according to Dianna Richardson, graduate of the Juilliard School...

Creativity Special Focus Talent Development Wojcik, Julie A.

Beginning in March 2005, the SAT will have a very different look. Here at Duke University, and at other colleges across the country, freshmen entering in the fall of 2006 will be the first group of students affected by...

College Planning Pfeiffer, Steven I. Tests & Testing The Editor's View

My child’s grades are suffering. He is acing all his tests but is getting marked down for not turning in homework. He forgets to bring home the assignment or the book that he needs to do it, or he...

Consultant's Corner Delisle, Deborah S. Educational Strategies

The motto of Hathaway Brown, Ohio’s oldest and most prestigious college preparatory girls’ school, is “We learn not for school but for life.” Nowhere is that motto more closely observed than in the school’s innovative Student Research Program. At...

Boone, Sarah Magna Cum Laude Model Program/Schools

Following crises and traumatic events, parents of gifted students have asked, “Is my gifted child more at risk from trauma than other students?” That is, is he or she more sensitive or vulnerable to traumatic events? A review of...

Lazarus, Philip J. Social-Emotional Issues The Emotional Edge

DGL: IQ tests measure a wide range of cognitive abilities. Do nonverbal tests measure as wide a range of skills? Donna Ford: Traditional intelligence tests have different scales and measure different cognitive abilities or skills. However, nonverbal tests have...

Expert's Forum Ford, Donna Y. Silverman, Linda Kreger Tests & Testing

Literary magazines—periodicals that offer talented young writers, photographers, and other artists a venue for their creations—are the topic of this issue’s review. With gifted middle schoolers in mind, I looked at two periodicals targeted at girls and two at...

Boone, Sarah Educational Products & Tips Product Tips