Duke Gifted LetterFor Parents of Gifted Children

Volume 2 / Issue 2 / Winter 2002 Archives

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive, understand, and manage feelings. Because it is a relatively new area of study in psychology, we know less about it than about more traditional types of intelligence. However, what we are learning is...

Feature Moon, Sidney M. Social-Emotional Issues

American families today enjoy a level of prosperity unimaginable 25 years ago. Many well-intentioned parents provide their children with an extraordinary array of material possessions—designer clothes, computers, cell phones, television sets, VCRs and stereos, automobiles, credit cards. Even families with...

Pfeiffer, Steven I. Social-Emotional Issues The Editor's View

Given the ever-increasing diversity in our nation and schools, it is essential for parents to address their children’s cultural development. Although engendering cultural awareness and sensitivity in all children is important, gifted students tend to have an especially keen sense...

Ford, Donna Y. Parenting/Advocacy Social-Emotional Issues Special Focus

Gifted students approach their final years of high school eagerly anticipating the opportunity to take college-level courses. At 60 percent of our nation’s secondary schools, this opportunity is offered in the form of Advanced Placement courses. However, a growing number...

Brown, Teri Cooper Magna Cum Laude Model Program/Schools

Identity formation, a major event in adolescence, is the process by which individuals define themselves. It involves exploring the questions “Who am I becoming?” and “What will I do with my life?” Like gender, race, ethnicity, and class, giftedness is...

Neihart, Maureen Social-Emotional Issues The Emotional Edge

Gifted girls encounter unique challenges, particularly during adolescence. With our help, they can learn to transform adversity into opportunity. The keys are information and communication. Here are six springboards for conversation and personal growth that concern gifted adolescent girls. Dealing...

Expert's Forum Social-Emotional Issues Special Populations Subotnik, Rena F.

If mystery games are on your children’s wish list, you might want to consider the following, all of which I recommend. Art Fraud Detective, by Anna Nilsen In Art Fraud Detective Nilsen catalogs six centuries of art masterpieces. Published...

Boone, Sarah Educational Products & Tips Product Tips