Duke Gifted LetterFor Parents of Gifted Children

Volume 1 / Issue 4 / Summer 2001 Archives

The youngest artist-in-the-making I ever met was six years old. Carson Rutter arrived at my office carrying a folder of his work in one hand and holding his mother’s hand with the other. Drawings of cowboys dominated his portfolio....

Creativity Feature Kay, Sandra Talent Development

Myths, Legends, and Creativity

The concept of creativity is fraught with myths and negative stereotypes that prevent people from being creative. Enhancing creativity often involves dispelling these beliefs. Myth: The stereotype of the creative person includes the following traits: seeks sensations, is open...

Creativity Plucker, Jonathan A. Special Focus

Creativity and Giftedness

Experts have debated for years whether creativity is a type of giftedness—30 states include “creative artistic abilities” in their definitions of giftedness—or a distinct way of thinking and behaving. However, experts agree that creativity is relevant and worth promoting....

Creativity Pfeiffer, Steven I. The Editor's View

Whether your children are budding art aficionados or just need a quick tutorial on Pablo Picasso, they can experience some of the world’s great art with the click of a mouse. While viewing art on-line can’t be confused with...

Creativity Dowell, Frances Technology Technology Matters

Many private schools concentrate on the needs of academically advanced students, but it is difficult to find a public school that does. Pine View School in Osprey, Florida, a public school designed to meet the needs of gifted students,...

Lance, G. Denise Magna Cum Laude Model Program/Schools

Developing Creativity

The Duke Gifted Letter asks Robert J. Sternberg, a leading researcher in creativity, how parents can encourage creativity in their gifted child. The thing that makes a creative person is to be creative and that is all there is...

Creativity Expert's Forum Sternberg, Robert J.

Discussions of the storms faced by adolescent girls offer no image more striking than “saplings in a hurricane.” Mary Pipher, Ph.D., used the phrase in her 1994 book, Reviving Ophelia . While Dr. Pipher’s book was based on her work...

Research Briefs Research and Theory Walker, Liz

Perhaps the biggest challenge in helping gifted students with attention difficulties is getting an accurate diagnosis of them. How are true attention deficits differentiated from the emotional and behavioral shifts common among gifted students? The problem may be compounded...

Neihart, Maureen Social-Emotional Issues Special Populations The Emotional Edge

Few authors have matched William Shakespeare in creativity, insight, and intellect. I have been playing with Shakespearean activities for fourth- through eighth-graders and have chosen two for an in-depth look. Shakespeare for Kids: His Life and Times, by Colleen Aagesen...

Boone, Sarah Educational Products & Tips Product Tips