Duke Gifted LetterFor Parents of Gifted Children

Volume 1 / Issue 3 / Spring 2001 Archives

Gifted youth need to start planning for college before the eighth grade. Why so early, when most teens don’t start until their junior or senior year? Because they need to develop an academic plan for course selection in middle school...

College Planning Feature VonGruben, Jill F.

The college admissions process gives rise to great excitement, adventure, and struggle for all kids. If your child has learning disabilities (LD) and/or attention deficit disorder (ADD), the process becomes even more challenging. Every family needs to ask prospective colleges...

College Planning Special Focus Special Populations VonGruben, Jill F.

Qualifying for a seventh-grade talent search, such as the one offered by Duke University or Johns Hopkins University, is a distinct honor. At the same time, taking either the SAT or the ACT—tests designed for college-bound high school students—at the...

Pfeiffer, Steven I. Tests & Testing The Editor's View

Uniquely Gifted: Identifying and Meeting the Needs of the Twice-Exceptional Student, edited by Kiesa Kay. Avocus, 2000. Paperback, 356 pp., ISBN 1-890765-04-X. $34.95 In this collection of articles, combinations of giftedness and learning disabilities (such as dysgraphia, autism, and attention...

Book Reviews Nathanson, Lori The Top Shelf

Our son is involved in a number of extracurricular activities. He is on a travel soccer team, plays violin, works on the school newspaper, and participates in a church teen program. We’ve noticed a decline in his attention to homework...

Consultant's Corner Curry, John Delisle, James R. Social-Emotional Issues

Pulling our son Dan out of middle school was one of the most difficult parenting decisions my husband and I ever made. Labeled as gifted, Dan did well in elementary school. He earned As and Bs, and we seldom heard...

Educational Strategies Greene, Robin Parent's Platform

A rigorous admissions process, instruction in attitudes and skills needed to do well in college, and a close-knit community of like-minded peers ensure the success of young students who attend the University of Washington’s (UW) Transition School and Early Entrance...

Collins-Perry, Bobbie Magna Cum Laude Model Program/Schools

The Children’s Mental Health Foundations and Agencies Network recently released A Good Beginning: Sending America’s Children to School with the Social and Emotional Competence They Need to Succeed. The monograph summarizes two papers commissioned by the organization. The first addresses...

Research Briefs Social-Emotional Issues Stephens, Kristen R. Young Gifted

Being a teenager is not easy. Being a gifted teenager can be almost impossible. Planning and hard work on everyone’s part allow gifted students to build a great high school experience. While you should encourage your gifted teen to take...

Social-Emotional Issues The Emotional Edge VonGruben, Jill F.

In this issue I evaluate three mathematics software programs that cover a rigorous curriculum from prealgebra to advanced calculus: Math Advantage 2001, by Encore Education; Excel@Mathematics, by Knowledge Adventure; and StudyWorks! Mathematics Deluxe, by Math Soft. These programs use different...

Boone, Sarah Educational Products & Tips Product Tips