Duke Gifted LetterFor Parents of Gifted Children

Volume 1 / Issue 2 / Winter 2001 Archives

The next time you see your child engrossed in a video game, watch carefully. Notice the look of intense concentration. Except for the occasional gasp of excitement or exasperation, he or she is silent and may remain that way for...

Educational Strategies Feature Knicklebine, Mark

It’s the middle of the school year, the winter skies are gloomy, and your child is restless. What better way to break up the winter doldrums than to plan for summer? A summer program can offer your child a challenging...

Collins-Perry, Bobbie Currents Educational Strategies

Readers, welcome to our second issue of the Duke Gifted Letter. Today’s busy parents want to know what works when it comes to supporting their gifted children. This issue contains a wide range of articles that provide information on fostering...

Pfeiffer, Steven I. The Editor's View

Admission to the North Carolina School of Science and Math (NCSSM) has been coveted by the state’s academically talented students since the school’s inception in 1980. Last year 667 rising sophomores applied and 276 were accepted for admission to the...

Ludwig, Susan Magna Cum Laude Model Program/Schools

My four-year-old is exceptionally bright. Should I have my child tested? If so, when? Do you recommend a particular test? By all means, have your child assessed. Giftedness can be inferred in the first three years from a child’s rapid...

Consultant's Corner Silverman, Linda Kreger Tests & Testing Young Gifted

The Struggle to Be Strong: True Stories by Teens about Overcoming Tough Times, by Al Desetta, M.A., and Sybil Wolin, Ph.D. Free Spirit, 2000. Paperback, 179 pp., ISBN 1-57542-079-1. $14.95. This book addresses relevant challenges that face today’s youth. Dr....

Book Reviews Copeland, Tanya

Should gifted five-year-olds skip kindergarten and enter the first grade? Or can they benefit from developmental activities like storytelling, block building, painting, music, and finger plays in kindergarten? Mr. and Mrs. Dunbar became more and more anxious about the first...

Brown, Teri Cooper Educational Strategies Special Focus

Ability grouping and tracking are two methods of grouping students for instruction. Ability grouping, commonly practiced in elementary schools, is when students of similar ability or achievement level within a class are grouped for instruction. Tracking, or grouping between classes,...

Educational Strategies Jarosewich, Tania Research Briefs Research and Theory

Although there is no evidence of higher rates of depression and suicide among intellectually or academically gifted students, depression is epidemic among children and adolescents in general. As many as 10 percent of children suffer from depression before age 12....

Neihart, Maureen Social-Emotional Issues The Emotional Edge

The Holocaust Library is a seven-volume set covering one of the most horrific periods in history. Appropriate for middle-school-aged gifted students, it provides a critical examination of the people and events of the Holocaust. Each volume focuses on a specific...

Boone, Sarah Educational Products & Tips Product Tips