Duke Gifted LetterFor Parents of Gifted Children

Volume 1 / Issue 1 / Fall 2000 Archives

In 1983, Harvard psychologist Dr. Howard Gardner introduced a theory that expanded the boundaries of what constitutes intelligence. Critical of the way intelligence was measured, Gardner sought to redefine the concept by incorporating recent findings from neuropsychology. He put forth...

Feature Research and Theory Snopek, Roxanne

A giant step forward or wishful thinking? The experts sound off with their viewpoints on the theory of Multiple Intelligences. Since Howard Gardner first introduced the Multiple Intelligences (MI) theory in 1983, it has either been hailed as a challenge...

Delisle, James R. Expert's Forum Feldman, David Henry Renzulli, Joseph Research and Theory

Readers, welcome to the inaugural issue of the Duke Gifted Letter! We are extremely excited about the publication of a newsletter designed specifically for parents of gifted children and youth. Duke TIP was established twenty years ago to identify academically...

Pfeiffer, Steven I. The Editor's View

The Duke Gifted Letter recognizes that bright students have special needs that all too often go unattended. In most states, funding for the gifted is grossly underappropriated. To ensure that the needs of gifted children are not overlooked and to...

Bush, George W. Gore, Al Legislation/Law Special Focus

A parent asks, “Since my child entered middle school, she doesn’t seem challenged academically. What advice can you give me and my child’s teacher?” Two authorities in the gifted field provide a response. Dr. Maureen Niehart: A sportswriter once said...

Consultant's Corner Educational Strategies Neihart, Maureen Stocking, Vicki

In rural towns, inner cities, and other communities with limited resources, gifted students often find that the selection of school courses does not meet their needs for variety and academic challenge. Many high schools have too few students enrolling in...

College Planning Lance, G. Denise Technology Technology Matters Tests & Testing

There are many ways to show love, but few are as effective as giving a preschool child the gift of time—time spent interacting, playing, or just being together. Although gifted children are great at amusing themselves like all children, they...

Shore, Hennie The Emotional Edge Young Gifted

Whether it’s English or mathematics, at Phillips Exeter Academy we call all of our classes Harkness classes and our teachers Harkness teachers. Harkness identifies a table you will find at the center of every class, both literally and figuratively. Harkness...

Magna Cum Laude Model Program/Schools Tingley, Tyler C.

The Music Within It’s Tuesday morning, and instead of hearing classroom noise or school bells indicating it’s time to change classes, our fourteen-year-old daughter Niki is in her room playing electric guitar and singing one of her new songs....

Creativity Parent's Platform Staehle, Dori

Have you ever bought an educational toy or game that promised to challenge your children’s intellectual curiosity? Has that toy or game eventually cluttered the attic? “Product Tips,” a regular column of the Duke Gifted Letter, aims to help parents...

Boone, Sarah Educational Products & Tips Product Tips