Duke Gifted LetterFor Parents of Gifted Children

Talent Development Archives

Among all the subgroups of students whose performance in school is commonly studied, English language learners (ELLs) are the least represented in gifted education programs. A variety of related reasons may account for this state of affairs, but the...

Expert's Forum Issue 1 / Fall 2009 Matthews, Michael S. Special Populations

True or false? Some people are born gifted, and others are not. You can tell who will be gifted from early on. Gifted children should be labeled and praised for their brains and talent. All of these statements are...

Dweck, Carol S. Educational Strategies Feature Volume 8 / Issue 3 / Spring 2008

Foundations for Success The Final Report of the National Mathematics Advisory Panel The Mathematics Advisory Panel, created by President Bush in 2006, was charged with making suggestions to improve America’s math education and student achievement using the best scientific...

Collins-Perry, Bobbie Currents Educational Strategies Volume 8 / Issue 3 / Spring 2008

Have you ever wondered why some children easily manage a complex life including friends, schoolwork, and sports, while others drift through their school years confused and scattered? Or why two students can enter a math class with equivalent ability and...

Feature Volume 7 / Issue 1 / Fall 2006 Moon, Sidney M.

Your child doesn’t have to be an aspiring artist to reap the benefits of a creative life. Creativity enhances all facets of existence because it opens us up to boundless possibilities: professionally, educationally, socially, and personally. Whether playing the violin,...

Boone, Sarah Creativity Volume 6 / Issue 4 / Summer 2006 Special Focus

Creativity, like any other ability, must be noticed and nurtured to bloom. Parents play a large role in recognizing and providing opportunities for creative talent to be expressed. Ways of thinking, personality factors, and physical attributes all influence the development...

Cramond, Bonnie Creativity Volume 6 / Issue 4 / Summer 2006 Tapping Talent

What is leadership? It involves persuading others to set aside their individual concerns, at least for a time, and pursue a goal that is important to the group. Leadership occurs only when others embrace the leader’s vision and the group’s...

Volume 6 / Issue 3 / Spring 2006 Pfeiffer, Steven I. Tapping Talent

My son always receives A’s on his spelling tests. My daughter loves to write and tell stories. Are these youth verbally gifted? Possibly. Should their parents nurture their potential talent? Absolutely. Experts in gifted education recommend fostering a child’s interests...

Educational Strategies Fairchild, Lyn Volume 6 / Issue 2 / Winter 2006 Tapping Talent

After several decades of gradual decline, foreign-language learning is now on the upswing. Educators and businesses alike see value in knowing a second language. There are several things parents should know about second-language learning to help their children be successful...

Educational Strategies Volume 6 / Issue 2 / Winter 2006 Matthews, Michael S. Special Focus

Are gifts and talents innate? Are geniuses born or made? Nature or nurture? These are questions that educators, psychologists, and philosophers have pondered for years. The consensus in the gifted field seems to be that while talents can be developed,...

Volume 6 / Issue 1 / Fall 2005 Stephens, Kristen R. The Editor's View

Julian C. Stanley, who died on August 12 at the age of 87, established the talent search model when he began the Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth (SMPY) at Johns Hopkins University in 1971. He found that grade-level tests...

Volume 6 / Issue 1 / Fall 2005 Stanley, Julian C. Tapping Talent

Mathematically talented students often show an early interest in and facility with numbers. For example, they may learn to tell time at age two and begin adding and subtracting long before they enter kindergarten. Anecdotes shared by parents about...

Educational Strategies Volume 6 / Issue 1 / Fall 2005 Lupkowski-Shoplik, Ann Tapping Talent

What Is a Science Fair, Anyway? A science fair is an event in which students present independent research projects. They are required to produce new data to answer a question, which is considered a higher-level skill than merely summarizing knowledge...

Connections Educational Strategies Volume 6 / Issue 1 / Fall 2005 Matthews, Michael S.

Are children born with an appreciation for music and the ability to demonstrate it? Or do they develop musical ability through early exposure and structured practice? The answer is both, according to Dianna Richardson, graduate of the Juilliard School...

Creativity Volume 3 / Issue 1 / Fall 2002 Special Focus Wojcik, Julie A.

I t is commonly believed that leaders are born, not made. In fact, leadership is nurtured and developed. It does not “happen.” So, don’t wait for your child to emerge as a leader. Develop leadership capacity in your child...

Educational Strategies Feature Volume 2 / Issue 3 / Spring 2002 Roberts, Julia Link

The youngest artist-in-the-making I ever met was six years old. Carson Rutter arrived at my office carrying a folder of his work in one hand and holding his mother’s hand with the other. Drawings of cowboys dominated his portfolio....

Creativity Feature Volume 1 / Issue 4 / Summer 2001 Kay, Sandra