Duke Gifted LetterFor Parents of Gifted Children

Current Issue Archives

Myriad Myths about Giftedness

Upon hearing the word "myth," one may think of Zeus on Mount Olympus or King Arthur at Camelot. However, not all myths come from history; modern myths exist as well. Some of the most prevalent modern myths in education...

Feature Issue 2 / Winter 2010 Makel, Matthew C. Research and Theory

Advanced Placement

Advanced Placement (AP) courses and tests offer college level material to students while they are still in high school. The 37 AP courses currently offered prepare students to take a standardized test of the knowledge and skills acquired in...

College Planning Issue 2 / Winter 2010 Makel, Matthew C. Model Program/Schools Schoolhouse Options

Administrators of Gifted Programs: Paying Attention to the "Man Behind the Curtain"

In the previous article about those who serve as administrators of gifted programs (AGP), the challenging nature of this role was explored, and the proposal set forth that the many demands that confront an administrator of a gifted program...

Connections Courtright, Rick Issue 2 / Winter 2010 Parenting/Advocacy

The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) has received significant fanfare and criticism over various effects it has had on education. One component that has received substantial attention is the focus on progress toward proficiency. Several reports have been...

Issue 2 / Winter 2010 Legislation/Law Makel, Matthew C. Special Focus

What should an effective gifted program look like? This question may be difficult for any parent to answer, and it can be especially difficult for parents who have moved to the U.S. as adults. This is not only because...

Expert's Forum Issue 2 / Winter 2010 Matthews, Michael S. Special Populations