Duke Gifted LetterFor Parents of Gifted Children

Technology Matters Archives

Remember the nasty note passed around at school or the mean graffiti scrawled on the bathroom wall? Bullies and mean girls are still in school classrooms, hallways, and playgrounds; they just can use new digital tools to be cruel...

Goodstein, Anastasia Volume 8 / Issue 2 Winter 2008 Social-Emotional Issues

Every parent has had the satisfaction of seeing their child “turn on” to a topic or school experience that demonstrates the true joy and excitement of both learning and teaching. Parents are also painfully aware of the boredom and lack...

Volume 7 / Issue 3 / Spring 2007 Renzulli, Joseph Technology

You knock on your teenager’s bedroom door and enter. She is at her computer and seems to be working on a Word document. But you also see several flashing bars across the bottom of the screen. You inquire, and she...

Volume 6 / Issue 3 / Spring 2006 Subrahmanyam, Kaveri Technology

Most parents have instilled in their children safety rules for venturing into the world beyond their homes. Many, however, have not taken similar precautions in educating them about the world that enters their homes via the Internet. The Internet...

Boone, Sarah Volume 5 / Issue 3 / Spring 2005 Technology

Your gifted child may have special interests and a desire for knowledge beyond what school, teachers, and you can provide, and you may have decided that she or he is ready for a mentor in a specific area of interest....

Educational Strategies Volume 5 / Issue 1 / Fall 2004 Macalister, Heather Technology

Making decisions about the education of a gifted child is not easy. Parents often are not familiar enough with the research on gifted education to make informed decisions. The Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) database and related services offer help....

Volume 3 / Issue 2 / Winter 2003 Lance, G. Denise Technology

Whether you are homeschooling or seeking enrichment for your child, these activities focus on the individual child’s educational needs, and gifted children clearly have individual educational needs. Parents may find themselves stretched to meet the challenges posed by their...

Boone, Sarah Educational Strategies Volume 2 / Issue 3 / Spring 2002 Technology

Joann is interested in studying advanced biology, but her school biology curriculum does not extend beyond an introductory course. Silas is learning his physics material at twice the pace that his class is progressing. By the third grade Rena has...

Educational Strategies Volume 4 / Issue 4 / Summer 2004 Siegle, Del Technology

. . . awaits the gifted and talented learner on the Internet. Children are naturally curious, and gifted children in particular are sensitive to social and cultural issues. We’ve compiled the following international news Web sites to help you broaden...

Collins-Perry, Bobbie Volume 2 / Issue 1 / Fall 2001 Technology

Whether your children are budding art aficionados or just need a quick tutorial on Pablo Picasso, they can experience some of the world’s great art with the click of a mouse. While viewing art on-line can’t be confused with...

Creativity Dowell, Frances Volume 1 / Issue 4 / Summer 2001 Technology

In rural towns, inner cities, and other communities with limited resources, gifted students often find that the selection of school courses does not meet their needs for variety and academic challenge. Many high schools have too few students enrolling in...

College Planning Volume 1 / Issue 1 / Fall 2000 Lance, G. Denise Technology Tests & Testing