Duke Gifted LetterFor Parents of Gifted Children

Expert's Forum Archives

What should an effective gifted program look like? This question may be difficult for any parent to answer, and it can be especially difficult for parents who have moved to the U.S. as adults. This is not only because...

Issue 2 / Winter 2010 Matthews, Michael S. Special Populations

Among all the subgroups of students whose performance in school is commonly studied, English language learners (ELLs) are the least represented in gifted education programs. A variety of related reasons may account for this state of affairs, but the...

Issue 1 / Fall 2009 Matthews, Michael S. Special Populations Talent Development

The recent audit of Advanced Placement courses mandated by the College Board (see “First Ever AP Course Audit Benefits Stakeholders” in this issue) may cause some parents to question whether AP classes are still a good choice for their gifted...

Educational Strategies Geiser, Debra Bell Volume 8 / Issue 4 / Summer 2008

The Duke Gifted Letter asks Paul Beljan about pediatric neuropsychology, how it differs from school and educational psychology, and how and when families can benefit from a practitioner’s expertise. DGL: What is pediatric neuropsychology? The outcomes are happy children...

Beljan, Paul Volume 8 / Issue 2 Winter 2008 Special Populations

Foreign language programs are often one of the first items to be scrutinized and cut when elementary, middle, and high schools in the U.S. face poor performance evaluations or budget crunches. However, many studies have demonstrated the benefits of...

Abbott, Martha G. Caccavale, Therese Sullivan Educational Strategies Volume 8 / Issue 1 / Fall 2007 Stewart, Ken

How long have you been using the Renzulli Learning System (RLS), and how many students have used it? The School District of Hillsborough County, Tampa, FL, has been using RLS since January 2006 when we piloted renzullilearning.com in our magnet...

Volume 7 / Issue 3 / Spring 2007 Technology

Though creativity has been a buzzword in education for over 50 years, we still struggle to define and identify it. DGL recently asked Jane Piirto and Alane J. Starko, two experts widely known for their research in the area, to...

Creativity Volume 6 / Issue 4 / Summer 2006 Piirto, Jane Starko, Alane J.

The debate over ability grouping has continued for many years, with the same research used in support of both sides. To shed some light on this important topic and its impact on gifted learners, the Duke Gifted Letter posed a...

Allan, Susan Demirsky Educational Strategies Fiedler, Ellen D. Volume 6 / Issue 3 / Spring 2006

The February 13, 2005, Time cover story, “What Teachers Hate about Parents,” reports the growing frustrations that many teachers have with parents. From eager and pushy to protective and hovering, parents pose a challenge to teachers even greater than finding...

Caldwell, Susan Dobbyn, Dennis Griffith, Alissa Volume 5 / Issue 4 / Summer 2005 Parenting/Advocacy

DGL: Which delivery models are most prevalent among gifted programs in the United States today? Joyce VanTassel-Baska: The models have not changed much in the past 25 years. At the elementary level, the pull-out model, in which gifted students are...

Educational Strategies Volume 5 / Issue 1 / Fall 2004 Reis, Sally M. VanTassel-Baska, Joyce

Getting In: A College Admissions Primer

The Duke Gifted Letter interviewed college admissions officers at several leading universities for insights into what students and parents should know about the college admissions process. They share their advice with us here. DGL: What major assumption do high-achieving students...

Burnett, Pam Chermonte, Debra College Planning Guttentag, Christoph Volume 4 / Issue 1 / Fall 2003 Lesesne, David Neubert, Page B. Todd, Keith Walker, Bruce

DGL: IQ tests measure a wide range of cognitive abilities. Do nonverbal tests measure as wide a range of skills? Donna Ford: Traditional intelligence tests have different scales and measure different cognitive abilities or skills. However, nonverbal tests have...

Ford, Donna Y. Volume 3 / Issue 1 / Fall 2002 Silverman, Linda Kreger Tests & Testing

What is the ideal age to introduce a second language to children? Contrary to popular belief, cognitively mature students with advanced first-language skills acquire a second language faster, as long as their motivation to learn it remains high. Middle...

Bernal, Ernesto M. Educational Strategies Volume 2 / Issue 4 / Summer 2002

Gifted girls encounter unique challenges, particularly during adolescence. With our help, they can learn to transform adversity into opportunity. The keys are information and communication. Here are six springboards for conversation and personal growth that concern gifted adolescent girls. Dealing...

Volume 2 / Issue 2 / Winter 2002 Social-Emotional Issues Special Populations Subotnik, Rena F.

Developing Creativity

The Duke Gifted Letter asks Robert J. Sternberg, a leading researcher in creativity, how parents can encourage creativity in their gifted child. The thing that makes a creative person is to be creative and that is all there is...

Creativity Volume 1 / Issue 4 / Summer 2001 Sternberg, Robert J.

A giant step forward or wishful thinking? The experts sound off with their viewpoints on the theory of Multiple Intelligences. Since Howard Gardner first introduced the Multiple Intelligences (MI) theory in 1983, it has either been hailed as a challenge...

Delisle, James R. Feldman, David Henry Volume 1 / Issue 1 / Fall 2000 Renzulli, Joseph Research and Theory