Duke Gifted LetterFor Parents of Gifted Children

Connections Archives

Administrators of Gifted Programs: Paying Attention to the "Man Behind the Curtain"

In the previous article about those who serve as administrators of gifted programs (AGP), the challenging nature of this role was explored, and the proposal set forth that the many demands that confront an administrator of a gifted program...

Courtright, Rick Issue 2 / Winter 2010 Parenting/Advocacy

As a district coordinator of gifted education for over two decades, I was continually surprised by the frequent exclamation, "I sure wouldn't want your job!" Although the reasons given for this utterance varied, the underlying sentiment reflected the perception...

Courtright, Rick Issue 1 / Fall 2009 Parenting/Advocacy

It’s the first week of school, and you receive the following note from your child’s teacher: Dear Parents, This summer I attended a workshop on differentiated instruction, and I’m excited about using it in my classes. My goal with...

Educational Strategies Eidson, Caroline C. Volume 9 / Issue 1 / Fall 2008 Model Program/Schools Parenting/Advocacy

For many teenagers, fitting all their activities into a 24-hour day and getting enough sleep is an impossible dream. For their parents, rousing their teens every morning so they get to school on time is a big challenge. In...

Dawson, Peg Volume 8 / Issue 3 / Spring 2008 Parenting/Advocacy

The team approach—parents, teachers, and administrators—in meeting the needs of gifted children is the focus of Best Practices in Gifted Education: An Evidence-based Guide, by Ann Robinson, Bruce M. Shore, and Donna L. Enersen, Prufrock, 2007. The authors, veteran...

Book Reviews Boone, Sarah Volume 8 / Issue 2 Winter 2008

A parent calls a bullying hotline because her eighth-grade daughter, who is bright and makes good grades at her school, is being singled out for taunts and hurtful rumors by a group of ninth-grade girls. Recently it’s gone beyond...

Volume 7 / Issue 4 / Summer 2007 Lineberry, Susan Parenting/Advocacy

Transitioning from elementary school into middle school is a big adjustment—both for children and for their parents. Parents of gifted children often find this transition especially trying, since the services that were available for children at the elementary level are...

Educational Strategies Volume 7 / Issue 3 / Spring 2007 Pierson Yecke, Cheri

In responding to a parent’s concern about a one size fits all type of programming for her fourth grade son in the Consultant’s Corner, I described two factors that influence services: identification and programming. In this column, I will further...

Educational Strategies Volume 7 / Issue 1 / Fall 2006 Johnsen, Susan K. Parenting/Advocacy

Recent educational initiatives have focused on raising the academic ceiling for all students, including the minimum expectations in each subject area at each grade level. State tests assess whether minimum competencies are met, and curricular resources help schools and teachers...

Volume 6 / Issue 3 / Spring 2006 Moon, Tonya R. Tests & Testing

Despite increasingly stringent federal regulation of public education, the individuals who influence children’s education most directly may be local school board members. As elected officials, they represent their constituencies at the grassroots level, balancing their districts’ needs against state...

Boone, Sarah Volume 6 / Issue 2 / Winter 2006 Parenting/Advocacy

What Is a Science Fair, Anyway? A science fair is an event in which students present independent research projects. They are required to produce new data to answer a question, which is considered a higher-level skill than merely summarizing knowledge...

Educational Strategies Volume 6 / Issue 1 / Fall 2005 Matthews, Michael S. Talent Development

The United States needs to develop the intellectual potential of its next generation to remain competitive in the world of tomorrow. Our top students generally do not perform as well as their counterparts around the world. Yet our public...

Volume 5 / Issue 4 / Summer 2005 Parenting/Advocacy Peters, Raymond F.

“Hey, Mom, I have a report to do,” my son James informed me as he pulled out a crumpled assignment sheet from his teacher. “When is it due?” I asked, hoping that tomorrow wasn’t the answer. He responded, “Not...

Educational Strategies Volume 5 / Issue 3 / Spring 2005 Johnsen, Susan K.

For some parents of gifted children, homework comes with many hassles, leaving Mom and Dad with more questions than answers: What is the purpose and value of homework? What is a reasonable amount of homework? When should I help, and...

Educational Strategies Volume 5 / Issue 2 / Winter 2005 Riley, Tracy L.

Parents of school-aged children have been inundated in recent years with discussions of standards and end-of-grade testing. While standards themselves are not new, much of the current emphasis on testing and standards-based education has grown out of the 2002 enactment...

Boone, Sarah Volume 5 / Issue 1 / Fall 2004 Legislation/Law Tests & Testing

Gifted learners who are avid readers tend to read not only for the simple joy of it but to cope in a world that does not understand giftedness and is sometimes openly hostile to the intellectually gifted. These students...

Educational Strategies Volume 4 / Issue 3 / Spring 2004 Seney, Robert

Getting More from Your Parent-Teacher Conference

The parent-teacher conference is a unique opportunity to gain a fresh perspective on your child’s progress in school and to share your parental insights with the teacher. You will want to use this limited time to its best advantage....

Volume 4 / Issue 2 / Winter 2004 Ludwig, Susan Parenting/Advocacy

In 2002 the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) was overhauled with a decided slant toward accountability, that is, toward making school districts responsible for students’ learning. For the parents of gifted children, the reality of this legislation (known...

Volume 4 / Issue 1 / Fall 2003 Legislation/Law Ludwig, Susan

Many parents of the gifted provide their children with outside opportunities for challenging, accelerated learning. Supplemental courses of high quality have never been more engaging or available through so many venues. Computer-based or online courses, independent-learning and correspondence programs, and...

Volume 4 / Issue 4 / Summer 2004 Ludwig, Susan Parenting/Advocacy