Duke Gifted LetterFor Parents of Gifted Children

Stocking, Vicki Archives

Every January I look forward to teaching Psychology 137, “Adolescence,” an undergraduate course. I tell my students that one of my objectives for the class is to create an understanding and an appreciation of adolescence, of the incredible development—equaled only...

Volume 5 / Issue 2 / Winter 2005 Social-Emotional Issues The Emotional Edge

During the elementary years a close connection between home and school can result in positive interpersonal, emotional, and intellectual development for the child. Parents and school personnel are dedicated to the educational well-being of children, but they represent different perspectives....

Feature Volume 2 / Issue 1 / Fall 2001 Parenting/Advocacy

A parent asks, “Since my child entered middle school, she doesn’t seem challenged academically. What advice can you give me and my child’s teacher?” Two authorities in the gifted field provide a response. Dr. Maureen Niehart: A sportswriter once said...

Consultant's Corner Educational Strategies Volume 1 / Issue 1 / Fall 2000 Neihart, Maureen