Duke Gifted LetterFor Parents of Gifted Children

Pfeiffer, Steven I. Archives

Editor's note, winter 2009: The SAT has changed quite a bit since this article was originally published. In March of 2005, the College Board overhauled the SAT. The bigger changes include: >> Three primary components: Math, Writing, and Critical Reading,...

Volume 9 / Issue 2 / Winter 2009 Tests & Testing The Editor's View

Editor's note, winter 2009: The SAT has changed quite a bit since this article was originally published. In March of 2005, the College Board overhauled the SAT. The bigger changes include: >> Three primary components: Math, Writing, and Critical Reading,...

Volume 9 / Issue 2 / Winter 2009 Tests & Testing

What is leadership? It involves persuading others to set aside their individual concerns, at least for a time, and pursue a goal that is important to the group. Leadership occurs only when others embrace the leader’s vision and the group’s...

Volume 6 / Issue 3 / Spring 2006 Talent Development Tapping Talent

Most gifted children enjoy relatively good overall psychological health. Research supports the view that intellectually and athletically gifted youth have better-than-average social adjustment. However, we know less about the social adjustment of gifted children with talents in music, drama,...

Feature Volume 3 / Issue 4 / Summer 2003 Parenting/Advocacy Social-Emotional Issues

To the chagrin of high school students and parents alike, applying to college has gotten more complicated. Colleges now attract students by offering them one of two early admission options (chances to be accepted to a college in the fall...

College Planning Volume 3 / Issue 3 / Spring 2003 The Editor's View

I frequently speak at workshops on the topic of raising a healthy gifted child. An increasing number of attendees voice frustration that their children’s lives are overscheduled. Today’s parents feel tremendous and growing pressure to involve their children, at ever...

Volume 3 / Issue 2 / Winter 2003 Social-Emotional Issues The Editor's View

Beginning in March 2005, the SAT will have a very different look. Here at Duke University, and at other colleges across the country, freshmen entering in the fall of 2006 will be the first group of students affected by...

College Planning Volume 3 / Issue 1 / Fall 2002 Tests & Testing The Editor's View

A debate is brewing over the use of the SAT I for college admissions. Richard C. Atkinson, a well-known psychologist and president of the University of California system, is leading the attack. He contends that the SAT I is...

College Planning Volume 2 / Issue 4 / Summer 2002 Tests & Testing The Editor's View

A number of readers have asked me whether they should limit their gifted children’s TV watching and computer use. This is a simple question, yet the research on it is not extensive and does not provide a definitive answer....

Volume 2 / Issue 3 / Spring 2002 Research and Theory Technology The Editor's View

American families today enjoy a level of prosperity unimaginable 25 years ago. Many well-intentioned parents provide their children with an extraordinary array of material possessions—designer clothes, computers, cell phones, television sets, VCRs and stereos, automobiles, credit cards. Even families with...

Volume 2 / Issue 2 / Winter 2002 Social-Emotional Issues The Editor's View

Does my child qualify for gifted services?” is a question that I am asked by parents from all over the country. Often I have to reply that I do not know, since states differ in how they define giftedness. A...

Volume 2 / Issue 1 / Fall 2001 Legislation/Law The Editor's View

Creativity and Giftedness

Experts have debated for years whether creativity is a type of giftedness—30 states include “creative artistic abilities” in their definitions of giftedness—or a distinct way of thinking and behaving. However, experts agree that creativity is relevant and worth promoting....

Creativity Volume 1 / Issue 4 / Summer 2001 The Editor's View

Qualifying for a seventh-grade talent search, such as the one offered by Duke University or Johns Hopkins University, is a distinct honor. At the same time, taking either the SAT or the ACT—tests designed for college-bound high school students—at the...

Volume 1 / Issue 3 / Spring 2001 Tests & Testing The Editor's View

Readers, welcome to our second issue of the Duke Gifted Letter. Today’s busy parents want to know what works when it comes to supporting their gifted children. This issue contains a wide range of articles that provide information on fostering...

Volume 1 / Issue 2 / Winter 2001 The Editor's View

Readers, welcome to the inaugural issue of the Duke Gifted Letter! We are extremely excited about the publication of a newsletter designed specifically for parents of gifted children and youth. Duke TIP was established twenty years ago to identify academically...

Volume 1 / Issue 1 / Fall 2000 The Editor's View